Friday, March 30, 2012

Blog #10

This term in psychology I think that I worked hard, but that I can improve on some of the things that I did. Even though I did all of the readings, I feel that I could have done more to understand the material and spend more time on them. I think that this next term I am going to spend more time on the readings and go over them more, so I can improve my grade and scores. I also think that I might try to study more and spread out my study time for this next them. I am also going to take more of the on-line quizzes to help me. Next term, I want to work even harder and try to improve my grade and study more for quizzes and test.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog #9

This week in psychology we read articles on memory. I found the articles to be quite interesting and worth reading. I found out things that I never knew before and I enjoyed reading them. The articles I read were "Forgetting is the New Normal" and "The Many Flavors of Memories". Both of the articles were about ways that can help improve your memory and help you remember more. Some things that were big and they pointed out were exercise, diet, and emotions.
The first article talks about how when you exercise your body produces more neurons and they fired together better. Just walking two miles a day can help improve your memory. You don't need to work out hard core or anything like that; just a little bit of exercise each day can help. This article also brings up the point of your diet and that certain foods can help you remember. Some foods that help are blueberries and walnuts. I am not a fan of either one of these foods, but maybe I will eat them every once in a while.
The second article talked about using drugs to improve your memory and giving people these drugs to help them remember past events. I don't agree with this and I think that it is terrible that researchers are using drugs on people to help with memory. This article also touches on emotions. The more emotion linked to an event the more likely the person is to remember the event in later years. I find that to be very true, if there are high emotions in something whether good or bad the more likely you are the remember the details of what happen.
I found both of these articles to be very interesting and informative. After reading these articles I had a better understanding of memory and ways to help improve your memory and slow down the process of memory loss in the future. I learned some new information; that exercise helps improve your memory and that blueberries can help, also.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog #8

This week in psychology we learned about memory. Memory is a very interesting topic and really caught my attention. I found it to be very exciting. I decided to look at video on memory and I found this video:
I think that this video was very interesting and did a great job at going through all of the steps of memory.
It did a great job at explaining the steps involved in encoding, storage, and retrieval. It was also really good at explain the different between long-term and short-term memory and how each one of these steps work. It also explain how much and how long information can be storied. It also went a little into chucking.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Blog #7

One topic of the reading that I found interesting was operational conditioning. I find it to be super entertaining and strange. I think that having children do something just because they see someone doing it is fascinating. In the reading it brings up the bobo doll experiment and I found that to be quite interesting and decided to watch a video on it: This video really shows how a behavior can be shaped just by watching a person do and say things. I found the part when the little girl is in the room with other toys and the bobo doll and starts beating up the doll instead of playing with the other toys. This really goes to show that adults and other person need to watch what they say and do with children around.